Today finally after all my attempts of clear the exam and i move a step closer in getting my driving license took a back step, as i have to wait for 7 days before attempting another test.... And next time i should have no other reason.
In all I have been to the DMV (Driving Motor Vehicle) for 5 times, yes its true five times.
Attempt 1#.
As all suggested, there is no need for one to read the book (driver manual) its better to give practice online test till that time, preparation level should reach a stage where looking at the answer one should tell the question.
Okay i prepared for 2 weeks had given bunch of practice exams, and finally i was at the DMV, they have a six point verification (more details 6 points). I had to submit address proof; my landlord was so lenient that he gave me the agreement without mentioning dates. That was all it required for me to mess up (this is what i had put 1 Apr 2009 - 31 Mar 2009), The person cancelled the document and i was sent away with nothing :-0
Attempt 2#.
After couple of months another my friend was visiting DMV, asked me to join so i took some test before that and accompanied him, after reaching their not sure what happened i decided not giving the test and ended up only getting a ID proof for my self :-0
Attempt 3#.
This same friend #2 motivated me for second attempt, so i tagged along with my room-mate for preparation, and finally on a Sat we decided, and this time, Friday we have a weather alert (mentioning we might receive as much as 18 inches of snow). But alas not a single flake were yet ready so Sat morning we reached DMV, for our surprise, a Memo welcomed us (Due to adverse weather alert we are closed)... Gosh
Attempt 4#.
This time again i tagged and two other people to try out our luck giving the exam, so finally Sat morning we were once again at the DMV, and this time, "System Down" Gosh i am jinxed and as i am only the common variable in all the above attempts hehehe, cant resist laughing
Attempt 5#.
This time i had not prepared for the test but made my mind and planned to change the day of exam as in all above attempts it was Saturday, so this i took gambled and planned to venture on Thursday, after all above try i got myself cleared from all the verification points and but things were not to end for me.... In the exam one has to clear 40 questions from 50, and in my case on 48th question I happened answer 11 incorrect... So I flunked.

Attempt 6#.
Not sure when this will happen but know its a matter of time i guess hope #6 turns out to be lucky or me.
wow! dude read the book first.. thats the base!! whoever told you giving online practice tests in enough. In my case I passed on 41st question so didn't have to answer the rest 9. All the very best for the next attempt.
yeah Dude, thanks for the advice, i am definately reading the book and preparing better for my next attempt.
But your is just perfect 41st question, thats really nice and tough for me to break.
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