Television / Movies.... have been integrated in a person life so much that as we would not be healthy if we do have proper diet, the same way if a person is not been feed with the intake of "TV" / Movies, he would not be in good mind state....
(initially i did mention health... but is changed that to "mind state" as some time back we were in a great discussion relating to health, the discussion did not end in the way it should have ended but still discussion are always 'healthy' and should be 'healthy')
Most of us would aggress on this point that a person do watch TV / movies to keep him updated, to keep himself entertained / just to kill time
But will it not be wise to say that people are so addicted in watching TV / Movies / News channel, NOT just to keep oneself update what is happing 10,000 miles away from him or to know did India win the match or did Giants are in the playoff…. But to talk in a group…Or to be in a group...
As human is a social animal, who would always like to be in a between people, or in between any discussion which is happing at the pantry or at the lunch table or while in a bar … its like he wanted some sort of communication should happen in between all ‘social animals’… he should have something in common to talk that would be one of the primary reason one should end up sitting hours in front of TV or do watch a Movie
Classic example to support this point would be people do end of watch the most common E-News / Game (the most powerful team)
As most of us would be busy to know what Britney did have to Lunch or at what party was she in last night…
If we are to say that no we only watch TV to update our self… how much time do we do really watch world news, how much time do be spend in understanding the problem faced in the 3rd world country or the victims of human genocide….
So it would be better to conclude most of the time we watch a movie / soap show is to be part of the bigger ‘social animal group’
Read Preeti Shenoy's posts on Substack now!
9 months ago
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