Thursday, July 9, 2009

Me online all time --- My new iPhone (3g)s

Okay some one hr back I happen to buy iPhone... I was so exited that I really did not knew what to do and gosh so in that exitment I ended up missing my bus to home... So I am waiting at the bus stop for the next bus which after full hour.
So frankly speaking I do not a idea what to do.... So I hear by ended up blogging and let me go gaga about the new shinny toy which I do own :-)

iPhone has really bougth a revolution... people like me who where miles away from any technology development would go bonkers in the start :-)

i don't know why I was running away from iPhone all this time... but still nothing lost their always a new start

So hear I am in a new age of 3g :-0


Anup said...

What else would be perfect gift for me on my 25th Birthday......
Thanks a lot Bhai.....I owe you one.

Anish said...

Yeah that's true... abhi se kisi ka bhi bday ho I will gift myself :-0